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The Theory of Gyres, which WB Yeats subscribed to, applies to your own human life on Earth, though in a different manner. Whatever you indulged in during those wild oats throwing years—call them your salad days if you will!—shall catch up with you later. Smoked like a chimney when young? Tobacco has left its finger print on your lungs! Boozed yourself out of your senses too many times? Your scarred liver shall give you a reply.

Chased too many women? Your oligo- or azoospermia or incurable importance shall slap you on your cheeks later on.

I refer here only to health matters but then this rule of thumb applies with equal relevance to many other aspects of life as well.

It’s as simple as that!

RE-engineering your own self in the middle of your life—with a drastic change in diet, activity level and outlook– is not easy but then it’s not impossible.

Midlife crisis, which involves not merely this but often real re-alignment challenges in your relationships and inner circle contacts often is in need of dire help from a professional too, but then even that re-engineering is not impossible at all. It shall however transform you into a Version 2.0 over weeks, with those anxiety lines on your face vanishing for good and your looks gaining their youthful poise and aplomb.

It’s during midlife that most of us face an existentialist crisis too and start wondering if that’s all that there is to life on Earth! This is precisely why timely re-engineering or reverse engineering is unavoidable.

That can make for all the difference you have ever desired. It’s in the death over of a match like LIFE that you must give a strong reverse swing!

This is often when you must press ALT+DEL+CONTROL buttons simultaneously and Reboot!

Whether you are man or woman enough—or are a too queasy a stomach to dare this change for the better– is the SINGLE most crucial question in this connection.

My observation persuades me to predict that less than 1% of today’s Indian population are courageous enough to take the self-perceived risk! Indians, let me confess,  have proved on more than one occasion that they have a blind spot to many kinds of unsustainable notions and are also presumptuousness if not callously indifferent about how to focus on their own life. This has been one of the primary reasons why the subcontinent got subjugated and colonized and plundered over so many centuries.

Yes you must learn to focus ONLY on the present day and not get floored through distractions or useless temptations galore from your focus. Sufficient unto this day is the evil thereof. Nurturing your physical and mental self, readily steps in at this point as your top priorities. Your own needs must get top importance in your daily life, and this includes how you manage your time for the remainder of your earthly life. Of course you may accommodate your immediate family within these priorities.

Weekly, fortnightly or monthly stock taking (about how much you have advanced) is integrally linked to this modified lifestyle. This exercise requires both will power and discipline, which most of us lack to a severe extent. Even fewer among us are really aware of the dire need for introducing such a change, if only to life a more fulfilling life till a grand old limit.

Restless, agitated and unable to focus most of your time? Hankering after something beyond reach? Dissatisfied with whatever you already have and possess? If so please re-assess your life, map out what you wish to do with your future, and take appropriate even if bold steps towards that!

Passion—a junoon that subsumes all else– is what is a must in all this. Imagine you have a grand project to finish before a deadline. This deadline is your last day on Earth of course dawning after you have extracted the best your life had to offer you, but this project needs step by step advance and brave or bold steps often in direct contravention of your familiar tradition.

With you by my side, let me take a dive perpendicular but downwards towards your own younger years!

Here is what we left out from Edward de Bono gracefully last time—the element of creativity in life.

Creativity Green – statements of provocation and investigation, seeing where a thought goes. Thinks creatively, outside the box.

Colored hats are used as metaphors for each direction.

Switching to a direction is symbolized by the act of putting on a colored hat, either literally or metaphorically.

This metaphor of using an imaginary hat or cap as a symbol for a different thinking direction was first mentioned by De Bono as early as 1971 in his book “Lateral Thinking for Management” when describing a brainstorming framework.

These metaphors allow for a more complete and elaborate segregation of the thinking directions. The six thinking hats indicate problems and solutions about an idea the thinker may come up with.

Translated into your lifestyle, this means that value can be added to your present lifestyle in a remarkable manner till you yourself feel different. Take my word for it please!

Here is the formula for a Value Added Life! (Do check if you are leading such a life!)


Its time you started out along the Work-Workout lifestyle, so congenial to emotional fulfillment and longevity. Work out till you sweat every morning without any compromise and then you go to your routine work –and you begin to enjoy your life in a dramatic manner. Always remember that TIME alone is your real wealth and that it tends to get lost unless you learn to use it sensibly to your own maximum benefit.

Time management is truly the secret of the Art of Living! Keep on working steadily at whatever you happen to be good at and you are invariably bound to go many miles ahead of your colleagues and even the rest of the society you live amidst. Neither your superficial paraphernalia like your nationality, community, faith or idiosyncrasies nor your ethnic stock, or marital status matter in this area.

Invest in your long life, and earn it thus if you wish to obtain that boon!


How many of you, if you are in India, are in the know of the Food Pyramid, the anti-ageing food items and balanced diet? Adopting a health food style is part of investing in your continued health and robustness, when you are at the peak of your professional caliber. Never postpone this for the years from now on—viz. 35+– are programmed to operate against your longevity aspirations!

Its only when the food you have had earlier has drained away from your stomach area downward to your duodenum that you must eat anything at all. Any kind of snack ingested at random—a fruit juice doesn’t matter to that extent– interferes with the overall chemical and biological efficiency of your digestion.

Consult a good dietitian and a knowledgeable physician to check your present moment deficiencies and ways and means to neutralize the same. Variety in taste and items –and colorfulness- is the golden key here but then, since discretion is the better part of valor, I leave the rest to those persons!


“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of” chanted Tennyson in his “Idylls of the King”. Indeed prayer and meditation have been proven by medical professionals to lessen the harm and maximize the good within us.

Daily stress (reasons may vary of course) is one such harm. Wrong snack is another. Too much alcoholic drink is also another. All these cause anti life chemicals to form within us and these harm us in the long run.

DO make prayer or meditation in silence a habit as long as you are alive. It helps restore your emotional balance and cortisol levels and also keep your aggression instincts in a low profile at all times.


Do re-introduce the habit of sharing food with whoever you like and if wedded, with your own wife and kids.

It’s more than likely you, especially if you are in your thirties, may not be able to appreciate the full significance of this habit since it looks such a routine activity but then this, along with shared prayer session of evenings, is one major cement that will ensure that your relationships shall stay strong and unperturbed all your life.

It was ion Sanaa, North Yemen that I first observed the Arab shared food consumption style. Like those Japanese with their Saki ceremony in the pre-dawns, Arabs make this an act of ritual importance every time.

They load a huge kimchee with all kinds of food materials cooked to perfection and then begin by offering prayer or what we Christians call grace. Once they start eating they do it with finesse by offering bolus to others around the kimchee liberally and then taking another bolus themselves.

I was a Professor of ELT in the University there and often found myself as a guest at birthday parties of the learners I knew. So I was honored with such food boluses from all the other members of the learner’s immediate family unit. Arab families are also nuclear by far.

Often I found myself over filled with food but then I found it difficult to refuse food offers from the others!

Then they would stand offer a silent prayer and disperse to look after their own individual concerns.

This is the secret of that incredible Arab unity in case you have been in the dark about it. Sadly enough Indian Muslims-descendants of Hindus that crossed the floor to choose Islam—do not have this wonderful household-unifying habit.

Three more points remain to get fleshed out, but sadly enough not much room is left in today’s blog. Let me refer to them however, since they concern your life from your 35th year onward.



My valued FB users please excuse me if you don’t get the hang of what I am saying from my heart after many hours of research. Let me wish you shall understand it better if you read it later!

Dear Word Press and Google readers in all the nations where my blog gets read, I am sure you obtain enough brain food for the day at least from my blog!

Thank you all!


Dedicated to Dr Anita Khokhar at

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  1. Reblogged this on Kuttanlifeissues and commented:

    Here is the guidance to a sensible life journey!


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